Meccano logo

and related building systems made in Sweden

Teknik (compatible to Meccano) Parts found this summer
Mekanik (compatible to Meccano)
FAC (the ultimate system)
ZigZag (metal and wood)
Junior (looks like Trix)
Konstruktionslådan X
19 mm pinions, 25t - 19t - 15t

<<Replica of prewar wodden case #7

with parts in blue, yellow and zink.

Collection of old gears

Meccano Web Ring

Swedish Stamp from 1978

 is a registered trademark of Meccano SA, Avenue de Saint Exupéry, 62100 CALAIS-FRANCE
[home] [fac] [fac1] [mekanik] [mekanik1] [teknik] [teknik6] [teknik7] [zigzag] [junior] [X] [plastikano] [konstruktören]